Pan vs. Hand Tossed Pizza: A Delicious Showdown

Pan vs. Hand Tossed Pizza: Which Style Reigns Supreme? When it comes to the world of pizza, there are few debates as passionate and longstanding as the battle between pan and hand-tossed styles. Pizzerias across the globe boast their own signature techniques, but the question remains: which one truly deserves the crown?

The crispy, thick, and indulgent pan pizza squares off against the traditional, airy, and classic hand-tossed version. Both have their ardent followers, each championing their favorite for its unique attributes. In this article, we delve into the heart of the pizza-pie rivalry, examining the distinct characteristics and factors that set these two beloved styles apart.

So, as you prepare to embark on a mouthwatering journey through the pizza landscape, join us in exploring the heated showdown between pan and hand-tossed pizza.

Pan vs. Hand Tossed Pizza: A Delicious Showdown

When it comes to pizza, few culinary delights can compare to the mouthwatering satisfaction that a well-made slice of pizza brings. Among the various pizza styles available, two prominent contenders have captured the hearts of pizza enthusiasts worldwide – the Pan Pizza and the Hand Tossed Pizza.

Both offered by popular pizzerias like Pizza Hut and Domino’s, these pizza styles have their unique characteristics, making the choice between them a delightful dilemma.

The Crust Showdown

The crust is an essential element of any pizza, defining its texture and taste. Pan pizza boasts a thick, golden-brown crust that results from baking the dough in a deep, oiled pan. The dough is generously spread, creating a fluffy interior and a crispy, slightly caramelized exterior.

The pan’s unique influence also allows for a significant amount of cheese and toppings to be loaded onto the pizza, making it a favorite among cheese lovers and those who enjoy a hearty, filling slice.On the other hand, Hand Tossed Pizza showcases a more traditional approach. The dough is hand-stretched and tossed in the air to achieve a thinner, more even crust.

The result is a pizza that strikes a delicate balance between chewiness and crispiness. The thinner crust allows the toppings to take center stage, making it an excellent choice for those who prefer a lighter, more balanced pizza experience.

The Preparation Battle

In the battle of preparation, both pizza styles hold their ground. Hand Tossed Pizza reflects the mastery of pizza-making techniques, as skilled pizzaiolos skillfully hand-toss and shape the dough to perfection.

This artisanal approach adds a touch of craftsmanship to the pizza, making it a favorite for those who appreciate the art of pizza making and its long-standing tradition. Pan Pizza, on the other hand, stands out for its simplicity and efficiency.

Prepared in a deep pan, the dough is evenly spread and topped with sauce, cheese, and various toppings before being baked to perfection. The pan itself plays a significant role in enhancing the pizza’s flavor, as the dough absorbs the oil, adding a subtle richness to every bite.

Flavor Extravaganza

The flavor profiles of Pan and Hand Tossed Pizzas are distinct and cater to different taste preferences. The Pan Pizza’s thick crust provides a substantial base that amplifies the taste of the toppings, creating a harmonious blend of flavors in every bite.

The extra cheese and toppings packed into the pan contribute to a gratifying experience, leaving you feeling satisfied and content. On the other hand, the Hand Tossed Pizza boasts a lighter, more delicate crust that allows the toppings to shine. With less dough between your taste buds and the toppings, you can savor the individual flavors more distinctly.

The balance between the sauce, cheese, and toppings creates a symphony of taste that appeals to those who prefer a more refined and nuanced pizza experience.

The Calorie Conundrum

For health-conscious pizza enthusiasts, calorie count plays a crucial role in decision-making. While both pizza styles are undeniably delicious, Hand Tossed Pizza generally contains fewer calories per slice compared to its pan counterpart.

The thinner crust and lighter toppings contribute to a more calorie-conscious choice. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that the overall calorie count depends on the toppings and cheese used, making it possible to have a satisfying, yet mindful, pizza indulgence with either style.

Pan Pizza Vs Hand Tossed Calories

When it comes to calorie content, pan pizza and hand-tossed pizza have distinct differences. Pan pizza tends to be slightly higher in calories due to its thicker crust and generous use of cheese and toppings. The pan crust is typically doughier and retains more oil, contributing to its higher calorie count.

On the other hand, hand-tossed pizza generally has a thinner and lighter crust, resulting in a slightly lower calorie count compared to pan pizza. However, the overall calorie content of both types of pizzas can vary greatly depending on the toppings and portion sizes.

To enjoy a more calorie-conscious pizza experience, opting for lighter toppings, portion control, and whole-grain crust options can be beneficial. As with any indulgence, moderation is key to strike a balance between taste and nutrition.

Differences Between Hand-tossed and Pan Pizza

Hand-tossed and pan pizza are two popular styles of pizza that differ in several key aspects. Here are five major differences between them:

1. Dough and Crust Texture:

  • Hand-tossed pizza: The dough for hand-tossed pizza is stretched by hand to create a thinner, more traditional crust. It is typically airy and chewy, with a slightly crispy exterior.
  • Pan pizza: Pan pizza, as the name suggests, is made by baking the pizza in a deep pan. The dough is often thicker and denser, resulting in a softer, fluffier crust with a crispy edge.

2. Cooking Method:

  • Hand-tossed pizza: It is usually cooked directly on a pizza stone or oven rack. The pizza crust is exposed to the direct heat of the oven, allowing it to cook quickly and develop a slightly charred flavor.
  • Pan pizza: The pan used for baking creates a shield between the crust and direct heat, resulting in a slower and more even cooking process. This method helps the dough rise and gives the pizza a more uniform texture.

3. Toppings and Cheese Placement:

  • Hand-tossed pizza: The toppings and cheese are spread across the entire pizza, reaching the edges. It allows for a more even distribution of toppings and a balanced flavor in every bite.
  • Pan pizza: The toppings and cheese are often layered in reverse order compared to hand-tossed pizza. The cheese is placed directly on top of the dough, followed by toppings, and finally, the sauce. This creates a unique flavor profile with a gooey, cheese-covered crust.

4. Thickness and Size:

  • Hand-tossed pizza: It is generally thinner and larger in diameter, making it suitable for those who prefer a lighter and more substantial slice.
  • Pan pizza: Pan pizzas are typically smaller and thicker. Due to their denser crust, they can be more filling and satisfying for those who enjoy a heartier slice.

5. Regional Variations:

  • Hand-tossed pizza: This style is commonly associated with New York-style pizza, known for its thin crust and foldable slices.
  • Pan pizza: Pan pizza is often associated with Chicago-style deep-dish pizza, characterized by its deep pan, thick crust, and layered toppings.

Both hand-tossed and pan pizzas have their unique appeal, and the choice between them largely depends on personal preferences for crust thickness, texture, and regional pizza traditions.


In the battle of Pan vs. Hand Tossed Pizza, there is no definitive winner, as both styles offer a delightful pizza experience tailored to different tastes and preferences.

Pan Pizza is a comfort-food favorite, with its thick, indulgent crust and generous toppings, while Hand Tossed Pizza captures the essence of pizza-making tradition with its handcrafted crust and balanced flavor profiles. Whether you crave a hearty, filling pizza or a lighter, more refined option, both Pan and Hand Tossed Pizzas have their unique charm that will undoubtedly leave you reaching for another slice.

So, the next time you’re at your favorite pizzeria, embrace the delightful dilemma and savor the pizza goodness in every bite.


Which is better fresh pan pizza or hand tossed Dominos?

It’s a matter of personal preference; some people prefer the fresh pan pizza from Domino’s, while others enjoy the hand-tossed option.

Which is better original pan or hand tossed Pizza Hut?

Similar to the previous answer, the choice between Original Pan and Hand Tossed at Pizza Hut depends on individual taste and texture preferences.

Which crust is best in Dominos?

The best crust at Domino’s depends on personal taste. Some customers prefer the Hand Tossed for its classic texture, while others might enjoy the Crunchy Thin or Stuffed Crust.

Is hand tossed pizza thicker than pan?

No, typically, hand-tossed pizza is not thicker than pan pizza. Pan pizza has a thicker and doughier crust, while hand-tossed has a more traditional, medium-thin crust.

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